Textured Skin

How To Get Rid Of Textured Skin | 5 Proven Ways

We always want our skin to look smooth and even. However, the natural aging process tends to make things worse. Facial wrinkles, fine lines, and bumps can transform our skin into textured and dull. People with skin acne usually have an uneven skin texture, as well. If you wonder what causes textured skin, the primary causes are inflammation, free radical influence, and dehydration. Check out our promising skin-rejuvenation approach, morpheus8, to improve your skin appearance and return its vitality. Let’s discover how to smooth textured skin below.

5 methods on how to get rid of textured skin

1. Apply sunscreen

Harmful UV rays typically provoke an uneven skin texture. The sun affects our skin’s ability to produce elastin and collagen, resulting in facial wrinkles, skin redness, and dark spots. Therefore, making skincare products with SPF would be best integral to your daily rituals. Wearing sunscreen with SPF 30 under your makeup is a reasonable consideration. On the other hand, select SPF 50 for the days you spend much time outdoors.

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is crucial for getting rid of textured skin. Water keeps moisture in your skin, making your skin look plumper and more glowing, reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles. In addition, drinking a sufficient amount of water will help your organism flush out toxins that typically cause skin dryness and irritation.

3. Eat balanced diet

Don’t expect your skin to be baby smooth once your diet consists mainly of refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Consistent consumption of unhealthy food can affect good bacteria in your organism and provoke inflammation in your skin. Focusing on food rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is the way to go. Ensure your diet contains fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, fruits, and vegetables. The healthier your diet, the less redness, and inflammation you will notice on the skin.

4. Add Vitamin C to your skincare

Regarding skincare for textured skin, look no further than Vitamin C in creams or serums. This key ingredient is perfect for smoothing out uneven skin texture. Being famous for its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C works to protect the skin layer from multiple environmental factors. The result is an even skin tone and reducing pigmentation and age spots on the face.

5. Don’t forget to exfoliate

Exfoliation is a suitable method for getting rid of rough skin texture, thanks to removing dead skin cells and cleansing clogged pores. You can opt for an exfoliating scrub, but referring to a cosmetologist is also the way. Getting a chemical peel from a professional provides gentle yet efficient skin exfoliation. As for using face scrubs at home, ensure these skincare products don’t feature too big abrasive particles to prevent micro-injuries to the skin. Scheduling skin exfoliation twice a week will help fix prominent skin texture.