filler after PDO threads

How Long After PDO Threads Can I Get Filler?

Many people are now turning to PDO threads as a non-invasive treatment option to decrease wrinkles, boost collagen production, and improve the overall appearance of their skin. But once this procedure is done, you may wonder just how long you have to wait before getting dermal fillers. In this article, we’ll discuss the ideal timeline for getting a filler after PDO threads so that you can make the most of your results and achieve the best aesthetic outcome. 

How does PDO thread lifting work? 

PDO thread lifts are an exciting new, minimally invasive treatment used to improve the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. This procedure involves introducing tiny needles with absorbable threads into the deeper layers of the skin to lift and stimulate collagen production. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its minimal downtime and relatively short treatment time.

During a PDO thread lifting treatment, tiny barbed sutures are inserted into specific face areas via a thin needle. These threads anchor anywhere from 2-4 points on each side of the face, working together to pull back tissues that may have drooped over time due to aging or gravity. The body’s natural healing process then begins, creating a gentle but effective lift as well as stimulating collagen production for long-term effects.

How long do PDO threads take to settle?

PDO threads have been gaining popularity as a minimally invasive way to lift and tighten the face without surgery. When considering this procedure, many people want to know how long it takes for PDO threads to settle.

The settling time of PDO threading can vary from person to person depending on their skin types, age, and lifestyle habits, such as smoking or sun exposure. Generally speaking, however, after 4-6 weeks, the effects of the treatment will become more visible when collagen production has kicked in, and patients can see an overall tightening effect in their skin. The treatment results are most noticeable after around two months post-procedure when swelling has subsided and the full effects have occurred.

Can you get filler after PDO threads? 

Facial fillers are a great way to add volume and reduce wrinkles, but some patients prefer to use something other than them. Instead, they opt for PDO threads, a cosmetic procedure that uses dissolvable sutures to lift the skin without surgery or downtime. But can you get filler after PDO threads?

The answer is yes! While many people may not think of combining these two treatments, they can actually be used together to create an even more dramatic effect. A skilled provider who understands how each work can carefully place both the threads and the filler in strategic spots around your face, creating a beautiful yet natural result. Doing so will ensure you get all the benefits of both treatments at once—plumper cheeks, reduced wrinkles, and improved facial contours.

Can you have PDO threads after filler?

Yes, it is possible to have PDO threads after filler. This procedure can help enhance the results of an initial filler treatment and provide an additional layer of skin rejuvenation. 

PDO threads are made from polydioxanone, a biodegradable material naturally absorbed by the body over time. During a thread lift procedure, the PDO threads are inserted into the skin at specific points to lift and tighten sagging areas of the face or body. After being inserted, these threads will then be tightened for further lifting effects. When combined with fillers, this procedure can provide both lifting and volumizing effects, which result in improved facial contours and smoother skin texture. 

The combination of PDO threading and filler treatments can benefit those looking to reduce wrinkles or obtain more defined facial features without surgery or major downtime.

How long should one wait to get fillers over PDO threads?

Fillers and PDO threads are two popular treatments used to improve the look of aging skin. Considering both treatments, it’s important to understand the timeline of when they should be done. 

The best timing for fillers over PDO threads will depend on your dermatologist’s recommendation based on your individual needs and goals. Generally, however, waiting at least one month after getting PDO threads before receiving filler injections is recommended. This allows enough time for the sutures in the thread lift to settle into place, ensuring that a filler treatment won’t interfere with their positioning. Filler can also help enhance any results achieved from a thread lift by adding volume back into areas such as cheeks or lips that have been affected by age-related volume loss.

What not to do after PDO threads?

PDO threads are an effective and minimally invasive procedure that can help create a more toned, youthful appearance. But certain post-procedure steps should be avoided to ensure the best outcome from the treatment. Below is an overview of what not to do after your PDO thread lift.

It is important to avoid vigorous activities for at least two weeks after the procedure, as this could disrupt the threads and impede results. Additionally, alcohol consumption should also be avoided during this period as it can cause excessive bleeding and swelling of the skin. Furthermore, exposure to intense heat or direct sunlight should also be minimized to prevent any adverse effects on healing. Hot baths or saunas should be avoided until all swelling has subsided.

Why not exercise after PDO threads?

Exercise is a key part of any beauty and wellness routine, but it’s important to know when and how to exercise to get the best results. After undergoing PDO threading, an aesthetic procedure that involves inserting special threads underneath the skin, you must take some time off your usual physical activity level to allow the healing process to occur properly. 

PDO threading works by inducing collagen production in the area where they are inserted, which can result in firmer skin and fewer wrinkles. On the other hand, your treatment may not have the desired effect if you don’t give your body enough time to heal and regenerate following this procedure. This means you should avoid strenuous activities such as running or lifting weights for at least a few weeks after having PDO threading.